Our History
A Brief History of Summit Church
Written by Pastor Alex Pecina
Within the first 13 weeks of the Church’s existence, the church began a Small Group initiative that would foster spiritual growth in the lives of the church attendees throughout the week. This initiative was led by Small Group Leaders, Manny and Sarah Matos. This contributed to the health of the church as Summit knew that Sunday wasn’t the only time that the church should gather and grow together. This initiative led to 5 Small Groups being started in the first 13 weeks. Summit Church also saw 9 men step up and become the governing body for the church and 3 baptisms! God was on the move!
During the summer of 2015, Faith Church of the Redlands (Host site church) and Summit Church’s leadership teams began to discuss what it would look like if both local churches came together to become one church. It became very clear that we were stronger together. After 6 months of prayer, fasting, and discussion, Faith Church of the Redlands joined Summit Church in the mission of “Making Disciples of Helping Other Churches”.
Summit is growing quantitatively and qualitatively. We hope and pray that we will remain faithful to our call to the Gospel of Christ. Everything else God will take care of.
In November of 2014, a group of people planted a church in the West Homestead Community. 28 adults and 17 children began meeting in different church buildings in our community to start Summit Church of Homestead. As the congregation seemed to grow, even in the first month, the leaders understood that it was important to settle on a location. I remembered driving by a church called “Faith Church of the Redlands” and being called to this location. It was a year prior to starting Summit Church, I drove past Faith Church of the Redlands and felt a tug in my heart to do ministry at that location. I made a quick U-turn to talk to the Pastor of that church. After our conversation, I knew that I would be involved with this site at some point in my life, but, at that very moment, I did not think that it was the right time. By God’s sovereign hand, Summit Church would be planted at that very location that I felt called to a year prior. I later understood that the call to this site was not about God just calling my family and me, but about a movement of many folks that He would start through the Summit Church family.
On February 22, 2015, the church officially launched its evening service. 143 people attended Summit Church’s first service! Many came out from the community and supported this church family. The church was off and running. 50 to 80 people attended every weekend at our evening service. Although numeric growth is not solely a mark of a healthy church, God was strategically sending many to Summit that wanted the same thing that the existing Summit church was about: an authentic church family.